It's our target to keep the negative effects on environment and human health of our actions under control together with the environmental system ISO 14001:2004 at Pürplast Poliüretan Plastik Kimya San ve Tic A.Ş., By this way requests of our customers will be fulfilled definitely.
In accordance with this target;
1.Making the risks minimum; and increasing the occupational safety by improving the environmental conditions and work environment continuously for the occupational health and safety of our employees, subcontractors, visitors and other people who may be effected by our operations.
2.Following the related environmental legislations; laws and other requirements.
3.Making the continuous researches&improvings in order to provide the reusage of products,semi-finished products and raw materials which can be recycled.
4.Using the natural resources efficiently by reducing the natural resource consumption, reducing the waste oil and emission level in accordance with environmental targets which are specified every year.
5.Preventing the pollution by applying the convenient technologies in our production.
6.Raising the awareness of all our employees, suppliers, subcontractors about the environment and inspiring about the studies to protect the enviroment.
7.Providing the required precautions to prevent any potential emergency case and any environmental&occupational accidents is our main principle.
We are as Purplast;
High production quality, high efficiency, supporting the economy, employment, occupational health, worker safety have the importance for our company. Our company has an occupational health and safety specialist in order to.
According to principle of Purplast; life safety has the priority.